Black magic is an ancient, evil practice which a person uses to harm another person. Black magic is the name of an evil spiritual act of vice, and it is useless to expect or hope for any good result out of it.Many things are made possible through black magic. These include causing a person or his family to suffer bloodshed and violence, riots, illnesses, despair, helplessness, accidents, divorce, evil charms and amulets, possession of the body by evil spirits and making someone physically handicapped.
This evil knowledge of black magic is considered sufficient for a person to quench this thirst for revenge and to prove his enmity.
In today's era a person is ignorant of his duty in remembering his Creator and Master, God, and in forming a strong bond with Him. Hence slowly and gradually, he loses the blessing of having faith as he adopts all those things which have been strictly prohibited in all religions.
Actually, it is this separation from God which gives an opportunity for black magic and evil charms etc to affect the human body. Those who are frequently occupied in remembering their Lord are the ones who are blessed enough to receive God's protection.
Those individuals who are blessed with God's protection are not affected by magic or evil charms. The methods prescribed by various holy Prophets (messengers of Allah) for being protected against evil practices like magic all sum up to the same thing, which is that to seek refuge with Allah.
When a person receives protection from Allah, no evil power can come near him or her because the biggest power in the universe is God, the Sovereign Lord. All the powers and blessings are through the name if this powerful being, which we call The Great Name (Ism-e-Azam).
We have prepared a Naqsh (inscription) of The Great Name, at a special time, keeping in mind all the spiritual rules and principles.
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